Author: Vicki Turner
Top Tips for a Neuroinclusive Workplace….
What else would you add, click on the link below to feedback to Prof Amanda Kirby
Championing and supporting Neurodiversity in the workplace
Reference: Neurodiversity Index 2024 | City & Guilds Foundation (
Our first Neurodiversity Index Report found that employers are currently failing to support neurodivergent employees, and there is currently a lack of training available and awareness in most workplaces.
This year’s second edition delves deeper into the evolving landscape of neurodiversity at work, offering more insights, comparative data and actionable recommendations for organisations committed to fostering an inclusive environment.
Read the full report: City & Guilds Neurodiversity Index Report 2024 (
Neurodiversity in Women – International Women’s Day
Reference: Neurodiversity in Women – International Women’s Day | The McPin Foundation
To mark International Women’s Day, a McPin staff member, and three of her neurodivergent female colleagues, write about neurodiversity in women, mental health and the changes we are seeing in the world.
To mark International Women’s Day, I wanted to talk about neurodiversity in women and mental health.
In this blog, I’m primarily talking about autism and ADHD, sticking to topics where I have more knowledge of, and – in the case of ADHD – personal experience of; although the neurodivergent umbrella spans far beyond these conditions and also includes dyspraxia, dyslexia, intellectual difficulties and Tourette’s.
Each subtype can come with its own challenges and stregnths, and can affect women in different ways to men.
Dyspraxia and traditional notions of what is considered feminine do not mix well. I am clumsy, lack grace and cannot do more than the simplest of ‘girly’ grooming tasks such as hair and make-up.
My diagnosis in my late 20’s was a relief, but still leaves me at sea with societal expectations of femininity that don’t resonate, and that Is hard.
I love International Women’s Day as it shines a light on all forms of what it means to be female, and welcomes debate, discourse and difference”
McPin team member
How does neurodiversity relate to mental health? Although being neurodivergent isn’t a mental health issue itself, neurodivergent individuals have higher rates of mental health issues compared to their neurotypical counterparts.
Up to 80% of people with ADHD live with at least one other mental health issue, personality disorder or substance misuse disorder. Research also finds higher rates of mental health issues amongst autistic individuals.
A quick note on language. When I’m talking about women I mean all people who identify as women, including our trans sisters. International Women’s Day may not resonate with many non-binary folks.
Due to the topic, somethings language around ‘women’ and ‘girls’ in this article may not feel as inclusive as I’d normally like – and my language does slip into the binary on occasion in this blog. But neurodivergent gender minority folks, and there are a lot of you, I see you – you are valid and important.
The conversation around neurodiversity, queerness and gender expression is a fascinating one – and warrants its own blog.
There’s more of us than we thought
In the last few years, it feels like there has been a tidal wave of new people receiving a diagnosis that welcomes them into the extended neurodivergent family.
One study found an 787% increase in autism diagnoses between 1998 and 2018. Many more people these days are realising they are neurodivergent. Especially women and girls. I notice this in my own friendship groups, online, and even overhearing snippets of conversations walking down the street.
The term ‘neurodivergent’ was something I’d never heard of until a few years ago, and now it’s a common conversation topic.
For both ADHD and autism diagnosis, the official numbers still suggest higher prevalence in males. However, there is increasing understanding that this is partially due to biases in referrals rather than there being higher rates of autism or ADHD (or both) in males.
Referral bias also leads to fewer people of colour getting an autism or adhd diagnosis. Living in the world as a neurodivergent woman is challenging enough, adding experiencing racism to the equation is a whole different ball game.
Aside from referral biases, why is it that so many women and girls don’t find out they are neurodivergent until adulthood?
Improved understanding
Recently there has been greater public awareness and understanding of neurodiversity. From the eerily accurate TikTok algorithm ‘diagnosing’ people, to the pandemic forcing millions of people to work from home – with the lack of office structure amplifying their ADHD symptoms, our modern lives has shone a light on neurodiversity and numerous other ways that our brains can be wired differently.
Some people undermine the journey of self discovery that I and thousands of others have been through recently. Naysayers may say things like ‘Everyone forgets things from time to time’, or ‘we’re all a little bit autistic/OCD’ etc. I strongly believe having a framework and a language to describe your experience, even if you don’t want to ‘label’ yourself, can be a helpful tool.
By improving our awareness and understanding of neurodiversity, we’re helping reduce stigma, better understand ourselves, our loved ones and people in wider society. Surely that’s an amazing thing?
Why this gets missed in schools
One reason why parents and teachers don’t notice an ADHD girl’s neurodivergent traits is that our behaviour is often less disruptive compared to boys. The tired ADHD stereotype is of a hyperactive (white) school boy getting into trouble at school.
Often, females are more likely to have an inattentive type of ADHD, or their hyperactivity may manifest as something subtle like foot wiggling rather than ‘disruptive’ behaviour.
I’d also add to this the idea the patriarchy drills into us that girls need to be agreeable and non-disruptive – so we often quash any impulse to do otherwise.
Growing up, I was always told, in a stern manner, that it was of utmost importance that I was ‘lady-like,’ a term which is shorthand for unobtrusive and agreeable.
This was drummed into me from such a young age that it became a smokescreen that hid my executive dysfunction and other ADHD symptoms. And only with increased self-awareness caused by the pandemic and getting older was I able to finally become aware of my ADHD and seek a diagnosis.”
McPin team member
With autistic females, the presentation can be different to autistic males. With teachers and parents looking out for more stereotypically male manifestations of autism, many adults don’t notice low-support needs female autists when they are young.
Young girls can internalise their symptoms as personal failings when neurodevelopmental differences are missed in school. For the undiagnosed ADHD female, she may consider herself disorganised, or lazy. An undiagnosed autistic girl may feel it is their own personal failing that they find ‘fitting in’ so exhausting.
Masking or camouflaging
Researchers cite more frequent and effecting masking as a reason why women have lower rates of autism diagnoses. Masking refers to a neurodivergent individual playing the part of a neurotypical to fit in. For example, an autistic person suppressing their stimming, forcing eye contact or mimicking social behaviours.
Or an ADHD person developing perfectionistic tendencies to hide their disorganisation, or religiously checking that they haven’t lost their phone, wallet or keys. I’m extra cautious around checking where my belongings are at any given moment, given my disasterous track record. I regularly pat myself down in a panic, thinking I’ve misplaced something.
Masking is our self-preservation technique we adopt to avoid other people shunning us. It is exhausting!
To me, I feel like this goes a long way in explaining higher rates of mental health issues amongst neurodivergent folks. We are exhausting ourselves trying to fit into neurotypical standards.
By masking, both autistic and ADHD women’s symptoms can become less pronounced, meaning they are less likely to receive their diagnosis. I’ve heard multiple anecdotes of autistic women seeking a diagnosis, but their doctors telling them they can’t possibly have it as they are ‘too good at eye contact’.
I have autism and was diagnosed in my late 30’s. I am significantly affected by social and sensory environments finding many public spaces overstimulating and confusing.
I lived up to the gender and cultural stereotype of submissive, compliant good little Indian girl. However, this resulted in astronomical meltdowns at home. At school a meek mouse, at home, a roaring lion. This was really confusing for myself and everyone else around me.
Through a lot of self work, I have made peace with my anger. I appreciate its presence in my life as a teacher and not a foe. This peace also allows me to channel my excess ‘melt down’ energy into passionate pursuits, including working at McPin!”
– McPin team member
Another huge challenge is that autistic women and non-binary people are often misdiagnosed. A typical misdiagnosis for autism is Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) – something explored through Words That Carry On, a project that runs with the support of McPin.
Although there are some overlapping traits for autism BPD, they are distinct and similar behaviours may come from very different motivations.
In contrast to the over-representation of males with diagnoses of ADHD and/or autism, 75% of people given a BPD diagnosis are female – with newer research suggesting that there is a bias to overdiagnose BPD in women. I’ll let that one sit with you to see how you feel about it.
For women with ADHD, misdiagnoses include anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, as well as – you guessed it – BPD.
Misdiagnosis can feel invalidating and be a hugely frustrating experience, but it is still common. But through research – and clinicians staying up-to-date with research – we can improve our understanding of these conditions, and help more people affected by them.
Final thoughts
Ultimately, we need more and better research for improved mental health outcomes for neurodivergent folk – especially women, trans people and people of colour.
Better awareness is a good starting point, but we have a long way to go before we properly understand neurodiversity in women, and neurodivergent women, and especially neurodivergent women of colour get the support that they deserve.
An essential component of better research for neurodiversity in women will be research that listens to and centres the experience of neurodivergent women.
This kind of research draws upon our expertise by lived experience – keeping research relevant and impactful.
If you’re part of the extended neurodivergent family, the things that make you ‘wired different’ include both blessings and curses.
It can be easy to focus on the things that make life challenging, but it’s important to step back and appreciate the positives too, as they are in abundance. Stay weird – it suits you!
Ambitious About Autism Employment Resource Hub
Website: Ambitious about Autism | National charity for autistic children and young people
Welcome to our Employ Autism resources hub.
We have designed a collection of toolkits to help more autistic young people access sustainable and meaningful employment opportunities.
The resources will help employers to develop their awareness and understanding of autism. They will support the hiring and retaining of talented autistic young people.
These resources are also relevant for autistic young people, their parents/carers, teachers, and other relevant professionals to support a young person to make informed choices about their future employment opportunities.
Sign up today to receive updates on work opportunities and resources for autistic people in your area.
The resource has been co-produced in partnership with Ambitious about Autism Youth Patrons as experts by experience and expert partners Creased Puddle, utilising best practice and up-to-date research, the Autism Education Trust, and the Department of Education.
Reference: Ambitious about Autism | National charity for autistic children and young people
Neurodiversity Is an Identity, Not a Disorder
Personal Perspective: We must reckon with how we see ourselves.
Posted January 14, 2024 Reviewed by Tyler Woods
- Neurodiversity and being Neurodivergent are identities, not medical labels.
- Living as a Neurodivergent person is more than living with disability. There is exceptionality and community.
- Neurodiversity is, to many of us, what Black, Jewish, or Latin are to people who embrace those identities.
Identity springs from how we internalize what we are, starting with our parents and continuing with what we learn from friends and teachers in school. Being Cajun ties us to a culture. Blackness comes from race, and Jewishness is an expression of our faith. All are widely recognized, though they mean different things to different people.
If those identities define who we are, other identities define what we are. Humans have long been recognized for their skills, be they hunters, blacksmiths, or engineers. Kids often find paths to adult vocations in childhood, giving them life goals to feel good about. They have a thing they want to be and an identity they wish to embrace.
Unfortunately, our schools have evolved in such a way that some kids learn what’s wrong before they have a chance to see what’s right. Feeling broken or defective can overshadow all other identities and leave us in a very difficult space where it’s impossible to build a good self-image. We have reached a point in America where brokenness is the largest identity community of all, though hardly anyone wishes to embrace that. Millions are proud to be Mexican, or Catholic, or just American. Who wants to grow up Broken and Deficient? Especially when written in capital letters, because that’s how we write identities? Yet that is the designation school functionaries and medical professionals assign to one in seven of us.
It’s tricky the way this happens. Teachers say, “Johnny is a little slow,” and “Mary needs special help.” Even at four years of age, we are wise enough to know there is nothing good for us in those words. Of course, teachers and parents see it differently when they later recall how we learned to read, or even to speak. They don’t see the psychic costs for us, being singled out in front of all the other kids.
School psychologists used a divide-and-conquer strategy, calling some of us dyslexic. Others were said to have ADHD. Some have autism, and others, PDD-NOS. Just saying we “have” these things makes it clear how undesirable they are. Those names put us in a dozen individual silos and prevent our coming together. Psychologists unwittingly added to the harm when they told parents, “We don’t know how this happens,” and parents assumed the worst, which was that their child’s difficulties were a result of their bad genes or their bad parenting.
Over the past 30 years, all that has led to the formation of two unhealthy identities: a generation of Broken Kids and the Warrior Moms who raised us. It has taken our growing of age to figure out what’s happened, and “Neurodiversity” is the result. Neurodiversity, and Neurodivergent people, are this community’s response to the one-sided medical models of autism, ADHD, and other inborn neurological differences that evolved in the 1990s with DSM-IV. According to the latest CDC statistics, one or more of these diagnoses is bestowed on almost one in seven children in America. Make no mistake: these labels are meant to define what’s wrong. But can so many people possibly be wrong? Might we simply be different? Might it be that it’s easier to marginalize us today, and let us fail, than help us be productive members of society, as we have been for thousands of years of human history?
I believe we will look back on this moment—the emergence of neurodiversity—and see this as the moment we began to correct a wrong that was perpetrated on millions with the best of intent and the worst of results.
Today, our voices are too loud to ignore, and the educational and medical communities are grudgingly acknowledging the errors they made. They were correct when they identified problems many of us had in engaging other people or progressing through school. Where they failed was in seeing the exceptionalities that are also part of so many of us. They were quick to call us out as “too sensitive” when it came to the flickering lights in class or the hard sounds reflected by concrete walls. They failed to see how those same sensitivities made us stars as adults, from conducting music to engineering lasers. We’ve been called out for failing to progress in school, not because we are not capable, but because we have different learning styles. Rather than support us, schools have taken a “conform or else” approach, which has failed us badly.
Seeing our failures, critics double down, saying, “Not every neurodivergent kid will grow up to be a star.” That’s true. Nor will every Jewish kid be a star, but that need not take away their identity and their pride in what they feel they stand for. We are all deserving of respect and human dignity. Jewish kids have their own schools, and schools for Neurodivergent kids are now appearing. We can all thrive where we are supported. It’s not necessary or desirable to jam us all into one box.
As an adult Neurodivergent person, I recognize that some of my peers have greater skills, just as I have skills others lack. That observation is true for all of us, wherever our abilities may lie. We all deal with disability as we progress through life. Neurodivergent people, by virtue of our different brains, face disability from the beginning, as we struggle to communicate and interact with others whose brains work differently from ours. By recognizing our neurodiversity, we can grow up secure in the knowledge that we are more than just our disabilities. That does not mean we should not face our disabilities—we must do that—but we should do so while also building our strengths, for it is those that will make us stars.
The Neurodiverse: Feeling Safe Being Me
The medical and educational communities thought they were helping us by identifying what was wrong. I believe they meant well, but it’s time to move on. The one-track public school teaching plans and the bestowing of psychiatric diagnoses to so many are not leading to the outcomes any of us hope for. It’s time to support how we learn best and celebrate our best selves instead of focusing on wrongness while forcing conformity.
One way to accomplish that will be to put more Neurodivergent people in roles that shape public policy, and that is happening slowly. It’s a long road, but I believe we will get there.
Reference: Neurodiversity Is an Identity, Not a Disorder | Psychology Today (
LGBTQ+ and Neurodiversity
The intersectionality of LGBTQ+ identities and neurodiversity is an important aspect of human diversity and experience. Both LGBTQ+ individuals and those who are neurodivergent face unique challenges and experiences that can intersect in complex ways.
For example, individuals who are both LGBTQ+ and neurodivergent may face additional barriers to acceptance and understanding from society, as well as within their own communities. They may also experience discrimination and stigma from both ableist and heteronormative attitudes.
Furthermore, navigating relationships, social situations, and identity development can be particularly challenging for individuals who are both LGBTQ+ and neurodivergent. It’s essential to recognise and address the specific needs and experiences of individuals at this intersection, ensuring that they have access to supportive and inclusive environments where they can fully express themselves and thrive.
Promoting awareness, acceptance, and inclusivity within both LGBTQ+ and neurodiversity communities is crucial for creating a more equitable and understanding society for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or neurodivergent status.
Sleep on It: ADHD & Diet
Sarah OsborneSarah Osborne• 2nd• 2ndOwner of So Nutrition. Nutritionist and Clinical Supervisor with a specialism in ADHD and Gut Health, IBS, Mood and Sleep. Personalized nutrition coaching and functional testing .Owner of So Nutrition. Nutritionist and Clinical Supervisor with a specialism in ADHD and Gut Health, IBS, Mood and Sleep. Personalized nutrition coaching and functional testing .
Very excited to announce that the brilliant podcast series, Sleep On It, is now available to tune into!
Vicki Beevers and the team at The Sleep Charity have worked so hard to put this brilliant series together.
I was delighted to talk to host Mark Thompson about the role that diet and nutrition can play in sleep 😴
Hope you enjoy.
Reference: (25) Sarah Osborne | LinkedIn
LGBT+ History Month 2024
What is LGBT+ History Month?
Who is UK LGBT+ History Month for?
LGBT+ History Month is for everyone; whether you work in education, a museum, a library or an art gallery, a business, a service, or are a member of a network/social group or an individual.
When is it celebrated?
It is celebrated every February across the UK and was founded in 2004 by Schools OUT UK co-chairs, Paul Patrick & Professor Emeritus Sue Sanders. It was first celebrated in February 2005.
Why was it founded?
For so long LGBT+ people’s history was hidden, following the repeal of Section 28 (link to Section 28,), UK LGBT+ History Month was created to:
- claim our past
- celebrate our present
- create our future
Reference: LGBT+ History Month 2024 – LGBT+ History Month (
Keep your eyes out to see what we are doing at Amethyst Assessment Centre to celebrate LGBT+ history month
“Being autistic is like when a feather falls from the sky. It is something special and beautiful.”
-Millie reflects on what being autistic means for her
In this Stories from the Spectrum feature, we meet Millie who is a member of the England Athletics Club and organises fitness and running classes. Millie explains what she enjoys about exercise and how it has helped her to build her confidence.
When did you first know or start to think you were autistic?
When I was at nursery, I did not speak much. When I went home, I barely spoke then, just a few words. This is when my family and I knew I might be autistic. For example, when other children were asked what drink they’d like, they would answer, whereas I would prefer to point as opposed to speak. My parents tried to tell me about autism at age five but I didn’t understand. When I was 13 I started to understand it more, and when I read the characteristics I could see how my personality matched to that.
If you received a diagnosis, what was the process like for you? If you are self-diagnosed, how did you decide to follow this route?
I remember the doctor who diagnosed me. It was quite a relief to know the condition, some conditions you can get mixed up with so good to know what I have. After the diagnosis, it was quite emotional too. Thinking about the teachers in the past who did not really understand, it was good to know that this would help in the future. I had my speech and language therapist who would help me with games and would help with my speech, knowing I had an autism diagnosis.
How did you get involved with athletics?
I have been part of my local running club for a long time and through this I have made a lot of great friends. I first got involved through athletics whilst I was watching cricket at the local athletics club, I saw a sign about joining and I thought to myself ‘why don’t I give it a go?’ – so I did! The first time I went, I thought these were a really nice bunch of people and I have a good judge of character! Since then, I go running two times a week.
How does exercise help you, and what inspired you to start organising exercise classes?
I go to training on Thursday and park run on Saturdays, which is great for my mental health and physical wellbeing. I recently completed my first half marathon – Sheffield Half Marathon, within two hours, 46 minutes 10 seconds. Through my passion for running, I decided to join the England Athletics Club. I wanted to join this, as it’s aimed at coaches and involves lots of different sports, such as javelin. They are based in Birmingham so I join virtually, as well as organising classes face to face.
Some people find it difficult to do their running activities face to face; if it is busy or crowded, it can be overwhelming. Therefore, I run some of the sessions virtually so they feel more comfortable. I organise warm-ups, a main class with another leader and have group meetings once or twice a week. Planning is important. I use the internet to get ideas and make it engaging, check the weather, carry out health safety checks (slipping etc.) and ensure we have an appropriate setting. This can be challenging, but if I am stressed, exercise helps – sometimes I jump on the spot to relieve my stress or count to ten.
Through my passion for running, I have been able to meet lots of people and practise mindfulness in really nice ways. You can see a photo of me on one of my runs! Through these experiences, I’ve developed mindfulness techniques and built my confidence with leading a group. All whilst improving my health at the same time!
What inspired you to start fundraising?
In my spare time, I enjoy fundraising. I have volunteered as a health citizen for St John Ambulance, where I raised money for Alzheimer’s Society through a social action programme. I did this by organising a raffle and doing a monthly step challenge of 10,000 steps. I think fundraising has helped with my overall happiness, it is very rewarding to bring awareness and include everybody in the fundraising activity. This is really great for developing my emotions. Sometimes I find it hard to say how I feel, so fundraising helps me to talk to people as well as encourage people to reach out and ask questions.
What advice would you give to other autistic people who are looking to start a new hobby?
Be aware of the environment and noisy crowds that you are in. Sensory differences can affect how much you can process.
What does being autistic mean to you? What impact does it have on your life?
Being autistic is like when a feather falls from the sky. It is something special and beautiful. Sometimes I do struggle to feel good about myself, or it takes a while for me to realise when I have done something good. This can be hard. Being autistic can also make me more direct, which is good for getting my point across… which also means I have a good sense of humour and means I am always smiling!
What is one thing you would like more people to understand about autism?
Our brains are wired differently, so we are unique. We view the world differently to other people. People think autism is just something that is unique to your mental thinking but it can actually also affect you physically, through things like coordination and balance.
Unprecedented demand for ADHD assessments – trust
James Pearson
Political Reporter, BBC Hereford & Worcester
- Published28 January 2024
Unprecedented demand for ADHD assessments in Worcestershire means people are waiting years to get support.
Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care Trust said the county’s Community Paediatrics service faced an “unsustainable pressure” in referrals.
Nine-year-old Corey has an ADHD diagnosis and his family said medication had helped him at school. But they say they have been waiting five years for an autism assessment.
His dad said the long delay was emotionally draining.
The health and care trust said waiting times for all neurodivergence assessments had been made worse by an “unprecedented demand” for ADHD tests.
Thousands of adults in Worcestershire are currently seeking an assessment.
“People ask us why we’re pushing for [an autism] diagnosis. It’s because Corey’s known as the naughty kid, the disruptive kid, the mad kid… when he’s basically just a kid with extra needs,” said Corey’s father Adrian, of Stourport.
“I really don’t know why the NHS are dragging their feet,” he said.
“Any time you get an appointment, it’s then months before a follow up or letter.
“For the family it’s very hard. We feel with an autism diagnosis, he’ll get more help and more funding when he’s at school; more one-on-one time.”
Corey’s mother Sarah-Jayne said his medication had helped him concentrate better at school.
Many children in Herefordshire and Worcestershire may have to wait up to two years for an ADHD assessment, according to the area’s health and care trust.
At a board meeting this month, trust directors were told 60-70% of children referred to community paediatrics were presenting with a need for assessment for the disorder.
The trust said it was committed to reducing waiting times for all children, by increasing local capacity.
But it said providers across England were experiencing unprecedented demand.
It added children with the greatest need would be offered an appointment within two to eight weeks.
‘I’d never considered it’
Since the pandemic, more and more adults have also sought an assessment for ADHD.
An investigation by the national charity ADHD UK, external in October revealed more than 2,300 adults in Herefordshire and Worcestershire were waiting for assessment, with the longest wait at 108 weeks.
“I’d never considered it in my entire life. I thought ADHD related to children at school who struggled to concentrate. I’m almost 42,” said Neil Lawrenson, a Green city councillor in Worcester who received an ADHD diagnosis this month.
“The more I read, the more I realised the symptoms were applicable to me: struggling to concentrate, timekeeping, receiving verbal instructions,” he said.
Rather than wait up to two years for an NHS assessor, Neil Lawrenson said he had made use of the NHS’s “Right to Choose” programme, external, which allows patients waiting more than 18 weeks for assessment to switch to an alternative provider such as a private or online practice.
“I’m at a point in my life when I feel that I need adjustments made, so that I can cope better in the workplace and [as] an all-round better human being.
“I think that because we’ve got this huge increase in demand for assessments, the NHS needs to think nationally about a different model for how we diagnose and assess people,” said Christine Price, chief officer of Healthwatch Herefordshire.
The patient body has just published research on the challenges of living with ADHD in the county, which highlighted a need for greater advocacy and support for adults and children, including reasonable adjustments from employers.
“Post diagnosis it’s quite difficult to get the support you need… from a therapeutic point of view… or with reasonable adjustments that people with ADHD would find helpful,” Ms Price said.
The health and care trust said it encouraged families with any concerns about the length of time they had been waiting to contact the service directly, so it could discuss the status of their child’s assessment.
Reference: Unprecedented demand for ADHD assessments – Worcestershire trust – BBC News
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